
Untitled drawing 7

Learn, Solve, Make, Do!

Wednesday, April 08, 2020
Artifact : Learn, Solve, Make, Do!

Once again I noticed a lot of my attention and desire was to learn more about different areas of the stock market that I'm not as familiar with. I believe investing a portion of my time into learning more will definitely pay off down the road.

Untitled drawing 8

Project Design

Thursday, April 09, 2020
Artifact : Project Design

Not too much depth, just covering the surface of my interests and what I'd like to do. I've decided even if I don't select the things on my list they are still great things to try and get experience with.

Project Design
Untitled drawing 10

Project Proposal

Thursday, April 16, 2020
Artifact : Project Proposal

I decided to go with a complex DCF modeling in excel. I am really excited to get going on this as it will not only be very useful right now for the portfolios I manage but also down the line where I hope to work for a hedge fund and have my own one day.

Michael's Project Proposal
Untitled drawing 6

Find Your Passion

Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Artifact : Find Your Passion

I typed a brief reflection of what I learned about myself within my presentation attached. I have a lot of interest into the finance industry.

Michael's passion