Project Overview
My PIP project is learning how to sign the song 'Hey There, Delilah' By Plain White T's in American Sign Language. On my way I've taken videos and written reflections of my progress, hoping to look back on it and learn. In the end I will create a video signing the whole song in ASL fluently, receiving feedback as well.
Throughout my whole project, I've had help from a few people that made me rethink or remember parts of my project. My classmate and friend, Mia Parker was often someone I looked towards for advice. She is also doing a sign language related PIP, making it easy for us to collaborate and talk about things we have in common. I found it useful to teach her verses or parts of the song I was working on, making it instill in my brain. I also turn to her in class, asking to remember a certain sign, having her usually hint me towards it until I get the correct sign. I also have received help from my teacher, Mrs. Shuhart. She has been there since day one supporting my idea and helping me decide what would be the best way to represent my project. She helps me connect with others as well, making it so I often have a fresh set of eyes looking at my project. I also had small tidbits from others that had to review my project when I presented it in class. Lincoln Nichols was a fellow classmate that made me realize a few things about my PIP and adjust it to make it more clear for others that didn't have a background of ASL.