Tick Tock!
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Artifact : Tick Tock!
This helped me see everything on a calendar and set goals like "I want to get 1/2 of the alphabet in Morse code memorized by..." I especially liked this because I am that guy who likes a timeline. It really helps me to keep working harder.
Lincoln Nichols - Tik Tok
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Artifact : Investigate!
These resources will be helpful as I go forward learning the ways. These resources are unique because in this day in age, people do not use books that much. It is mostly online, where I will be doing almost none of my research on.
Lincoln Nichols - Investigate! Student Activity
Ready Set Pitch!
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Artifact : Ready Set Pitch!
My pitch was pretty much explaining how I will go forward with my project. It helped me get a good idea of what I will really be doing during these months and what I can get out of my PIP.