Project Overview
Hi, my name is David Consiglio, and for my PiP, I've decided to work on and further develop my artistic ability. Here, I am challenging myself by creating a new comic each and every week about what's going on with my life on a day-to-day basis. Since I go to in-person school every day, there are a few new challenges that come across with that. Not only do I create comics, but I also practice drawing myself and others in a more cartoon-like style. To create all of this I will be using an app called Procreate, which is available only on IOS and can be bought for $10.00.
When working on my project, it has mostly been up to me to develop my own personal art style, since I don't want to steal someone else's work. I've had a few friends who know the program a bit better than I do help me along the way, ex: show me which brushes to use and when to use them, how to use a clipping mask, etc. I've gotten some feedback from my family as well since they love it when I show them things that I draw. They'll give me feedback based on what I show them, and any tips or things I missed in the final piece. I'm also collaborating by posting videos of my art. By showing you guys what I have been doing on a weekly basis not only challenges me to practice my artistic ability but also helps me improve becoming more independent in life itself.