In this section I have listed several sources that will help benefit me when working out. It explains the High Intensity Interval Training is the best way to release good endorphins and lists several workouts that help to reach it. Not only this, but there are also activities in and of themselves that help make you feel better and I'd like to put this to the test to see if working out by yourself vs working out with a partner is more of a beneficial workout.
Tick Tock!
In this part of the project, I have constructed a schedule and have broken down how I am going to record my data, for how long and how many days a week I plan to workout, as well as how I will log my data. This helps to have a better planned out schedule and for me to stay on top of things during this process.
Ready Set Pitch!
I talked with my friend Mia about my project. She helped give me some input as to what she thought of my PIP.