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Project Proposal

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Artifact : Project Proposal

Creating the Project Proposal really gave me an opportunity to think about my project end goal. By working through each section of my project proposal I was better able to organize and execute me project. By putting down on paper my flushed out idea as well as all the materials that I need, I feel inspired to start the creation of my Origiani Art Installation.

Lauren Lavertue - [Template] Project Proposal Student Form
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Find Your Passion

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Artifact : Find Your Passion

Finding my passion presentation was interesting. By creating this presentation, I learn a lot about myself and what others think of me as well. By taking a look at my strenghts and who I ultimately am, it seem to help pick at project that would interest me and fit in my personal.

Lauren Lavertue - Finding Your Passions Presentation
Lauren Lavertue - Find Your Passion

Learn, Solve, Make, Do!

Thursday, January 21, 2021
Artifact : Learn, Solve, Make, Do!

This was a fun activity to really think about what projects will inspire me. By taking the time to think about all the things that I would like to learn about or try to accomplish I found out a little about myself. Tt was fun to narrow it down and hone in on something that will challenge and interest me.

Lauren Lavertue - Learn, Solve, Make, Do Student Activity Sheet